The Best Backing Tracks

Hello and welcome to The Best Backing Tracks on the internet! Why are we so unique? Instead of programming the backing tracks in software, we grab our instruments and record it together in the studio for you! With the carefully selected setlist and well prepared professional musicians we record around 10/15 tracks a day, which is not an easy task to accomplish! It takes a lot of concentration and skills to get everything recorded in 1 day, but it is always worth the effort. 

Why do we play the music live? We think that every level of musician feels the difference between software backing tracks and our high quality backing band.
Every musicians deserves to play along with other musicians! Luckily for you you can put us on repeat! There is also an option to download our multitracks
and mute the instrument that you want to play. This way you are part of the backing band yourself!

Who are we? Everyone who played on the backing tracks are professional musicians that went to several music schools. We know exactly how it feels to jam along with backing tracks! We all have a big passion for music and there is no day without it.

You can find our recordings for free on Youtube. If you can’t get enough of studying with us you can download the multitracks and sheet music here. Is your favourite tune not on there? Please contact us with your suggestion and we will take it into consideration for the next season to record! Thank you for your interest and hopefully we meet your expectations now, and in the future.

Wish you the best